I took a couple basic computer classes in college in the mid-90s and have dabbled in the dark arts ever since. Making a list of all the code I've made makes me feel pretty accomplished, actually. Check it out!
SWGOH Tracker
<jQuery>, <CSS>, <HTML>, <Perl>, <JSON>

I have been playing a mobile game, Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes for a bit. I really liked a tracking website, so I made my own tracker inspired by that website over a month or so. Version 2 added a bunch of features including graphics and a whole settings system.

Screenshot of SWGOH Tracker
Bedside Clock
<jQuery>, <CSS>, <HTML>, <JSON>

We use an iPhone 4s as our bedside clock and we needed one that displayed the weather and the time and the day. So I made one.

Screenshot of Bedside Clock
Transformations Game
<jQuery>, <CSS>, <HTML>, <Git>

I re-programmed an old game I made in Visual Basic at some summer teacher conference about computer animation. It's a game to help students practice their knowledge of coordinate transformations.

Screenshot of Transformations Game
Grading Curve Calculator
<jQuery>, <CSS>, <HTML>

I needed a pretty weird test score adjusting program for school and I added some nice looking graphs for my class so I can show students how they did on tests.

Screenshot of Curve Calculator
jQuery RPG
<jQuery>, <CSS>, <HTML>, <Git>

This web app was featured on the site that hosts the school as a thing that people can make when they take this class. So I guess that's good. I tried to be funny, as well. Maybe I could be a programmer after all if I just worked hard at it? So, no, then.

Screenshot of jQuery RPG
Racing Game
<jQuery>, <CSS>, <HTML>, <Git>

I took a class in spring of 2015 on HTML/CSS/jQuery. I do that when I think about career change. It was part one of a four-part path to becoming a programmer. But do I really want to do that? CAN I really do that now that I'm old? This game is a good indicator that maybe I shouldn't. I got a good grade on this, though.

Screenshot of Racing Game
Crayon Sorter
<jQuery>, <CSS>, <HTML>, <Git>

More of my work from the class I took. This is an exploration of sorting principles. I wanted to know how to sort by color, so I spent a lot of time figuring that out. The animation is pretty bad so I didn't get a spectacular grade on this one.

Screenshot of Crayon Sorter
2-3-4-5 Solver
<jQuery>, <HTML>

I posed an extra credit problem in class but didn't have the right answer. So I brute forced it!

Screenshot of 2-3-4-5 Solver
Seating Chart Creator
<jQuery>, <CSS>, <HTML>

I'm working on a simple seating chart maker. Well, I have big plans for it (seating by demographic, preferential seating, etc.), but lost motivation a bit, so it might never get done. Right now, it's just a basic randomizer of whatever names you type in.

Screenshot of Seating Chart Creator
<jQuery>, <CSS>, <HTML>, <Perl>, <MySQL>, <wordpress>

I made this website. It has a lot of lists and I make different versions every couple years as a hobby.

Screenshot of
<CSS>, <HTML>, <Perl>, <Google Forms>

I made a real simple RSVP program for my 5th and 10th anniversary with my partner.

Screenshot of
<jQuery>, <CSS>, <HTML>, <Perl>, <MySQL>

I modernized and ran a fantasy rally game for U.S. rally series from 2010 to 2023.

Screenshot of
<CSS>, <HTML>, <Perl>, <MySQL>, <PHP>, <wordpress>

I maintain our rally team's website and a wordpress installation there.

Screenshot of
<wordpress>, <podcast>, <xhtml>

I helped my partner and her friend create and host a podcast about movies. Subscribe!

Screenshot of
<jQuery>, <CSS>, <HTML>, <Perl>, <MySQL>

I test out ideas for the rally community at this domain. I haven't finished an idea there. Yet.

Screenshot of
<PHP>, <tumblr>

I customized a tumblr theme for my partner.

Screenshot of
<PHP>, <wordpress>

I made a website to remember my dad.

Screenshot of
<CSS>, <HTML>, <Perl>, <MySQL>

I maintained an RSVP and player stats page for my co-rec soccer team for a while.

Screenshot of
<CSS>, <HTML>, <Perl>, <MySQL>

I created the website for my most recent band.

Screenshot of
<CSS>, <HTML>, <Perl>, <MySQL>

I created the website for my high school band.

Screenshot of

I made a website for my teaching career.

Screenshot of
<Javascript>, <CSS>, <HTML>, <Perl>, <MySQL>

I made a semi-honest living selling advertising and sharing the profits in the early 2000's until the market dried up.

Screenshot of
Facebook record listing app
<CSS>, <HTML>, <Perl>, <MySQL>, <PHP>

I started to make a facebook plugin right before plugins became very obsolete. Oh well.

Screenshot of facebook record listing app
UNIX Shell Scripts

In college, I crafted some fun UNIX shell scripts for a class.

Screenshot of UNIX Shell Scripts
Visual Basic Animation
<Visual Basic>

I made a couple animations in a summer program I took early in my teaching career. They were programmed in VISUAL BASIC. Ugh.

Screenshot of visual basic animation
HTML in 1996

I taught a one hour course on HTML in 1996 at college. I don't know how I got that gig, but I'm pretty sure I did a bad job.

Screenshot of a 1996 HTML reference
Video Game Testing
<game testing>

I worked for a while as a video game tester. It didn't pay well, but it was sort of fun, I guess. Here's the games I worked on that I remember (mostly uncredited).

Screenshot of video game testing