Evil West
◉ ◉ ◉ ○ ○(3/5: decent)
Playstation 5
Focus Entertainment (2022)
Evil West is the brainless action film that you're too cool to admit that you like.

The scene is set in the wild west, of course. Grover Cleveland is serving one of his non-consecutive terms as president and, unfortunately for his approval rating, the U.S. appears to be in the midst of a war with an army of vampires. Never fear, because a very serious man is going use his only emotion to angrily punch all of their faces in. Also, these particular vampires don't have to be killed with stakes, they just need a solid dose of over-the-top bloody violence. This game delivers that excessive force in spades while navigating a pretty straightforward hero/revenge story, failing the Bechdel test, and actually being pretty fun to play, honestly.

This game is soaked in blood and lousy with different ways to attack the groups of various types of vampires that appear. It's a pretty old school feeling third-person shooter, with scheduled monster appearances, slightly varied tactics based on the group of enemies in the area you're in, and linear progression. The skill tree didn't seem to offer much variation in my gameplay but adding weapons along the path and introducing new features of those weapons was well done. The lighting in this game felt as heavy-handed as the character models in the game (why are their hands SO HUGE?) as everything seemed too reflective and the red slider was turned all the way up. I did get annoyed a couple times when I got stuck in the rifle-aiming mode but overall the game is a few hours of good old brain-numbing violence.

It won't be a classic but it entertains enough.

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Last updated: 07/18/2024
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