"Unifying Themes Redux"
○ ○ ○ ○ ○(unrated)
Math CD
Excursion exc-032 (2002)
I paid $3.24 for this record.
I have not reviewed my copy of this record yet.

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1: God Vs. Science
2: Third Part In A Tragedy
3: Inch By Inch
4: The Opera Song
5: Closure
6: Contraction
7: Ebb
8: Stupid Me
9: In Spite Of This
10: End Of Discussion
11: Wounded
12: Liquored Up And Laid
13: Leavers Take On Genesis
14: The Lobster Song
15: Frequent Mass Transit
16: Sudam
17: Untitled
Last updated: 05/17/2020
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