"Jail-Bait Core / Bazooka Smooth"
○ ○ ○ ○ ○(unrated)
Punk 12" vinyl
Lookout! (2001)
I paid $9 for this record.
I have not reviewed my copy of this record yet.

If you like this review, you can buy me a coffee.

1: The Dan SongRaooul
2: Dark Coffee HouseRaooul
3: Rotton Dead MonkeyRaooul
4: MiguelRaooul
5: PossessedRaooul
6: Masturbatory SongRaooul
7: Spirit Of '78Raooul
8: I Had Jesse BlatzRaooul
9: Skinned Teen AnthemSkinned Teen
10: Pillow Case KisserSkinned Teen
11: StarchSkinned Teen
12: Black CatSkinned Teen
13: Double DSkinned Teen
14: Ex-Boyfriend BeatSkinned Teen
15: Club Car #1Skinned Teen
16: Geometry Of TwigsSkinned Teen
17: GumballSkinned Teen
18: Pigeon StepsSkinned Teen
19: Bonus TrackSkinned Teen
Last updated: 05/03/2020
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