"Live at the House of Blues [Promo]"
○ ○ ○ ○ ○(unrated)
Punk other
Kung Fu (2004)
I paid $15.98 for this record.
I have not reviewed my copy of this record yet.

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1: 43210-1
2: Appreciate My Honesty
3: It's a Fact
4: An Idea for a Movie
5: Pizza Tran
6: Café 405
7: Soccer Mom
8: The New You
9: Marry Me
10: Oi to the World
11: Nimby
12: My Brain Tells My Body
13: People That Are Going to Hell
14: Too Much Drama
15: Disproportioned Head
16: Take It Back
17: Unseen Tears of the Albacore
18: And Now We Dance
19: I've Got an Ape Drape
20: Behind the Music
21: My Girlfriend's Dead
22: I've Got a Date
Last updated: 12/18/2011
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