"Chapter Two: F-Bomb"
○ ○ ○ ○ ○(unrated)
Post-hardcore CD
Keaton Collective Keaton 04 (2007)
I paid $12 for this record.
I have not reviewed my copy of this record yet.

If you like this review, you can buy me a coffee.

1: your end serenading is my comprehensive list
2: who wants to date us?
3: ipof
4: cinnamon
5: this is our version of the hokey pokey
6: question: have you ever actually seen a douche bag? answer: no
7: this is an attempt at being clever
8: josh-josh goes nuts-nuts
9: oh, no! bruce willis is dead!
10: grendel didn't have a soft spot
11: who is luke and why is he always warm?
12: i cry when actors cry
Last updated: 05/06/2023
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