"Couch Fest" Film Festival Visits Capitol Hill on Sunday
Published 11-06-2010 (originally on The SunBreak).

couch fest films promo 1 from Couch Fest Films on Vimeo.

The best short film festival in the city is happening tomorrow. I went last year and it was awesome.

Here's how it goes: You show up at a stranger's house and watch an hour or so of short films with a bunch of strangers sitting a bit too close to you on couches in various states of disrepair. Then, you go to another house and do the same thing. At the end, you vote for your favorites. That simple process is Seattle's own Couch Fest.

The final details for the 2010 Couch Fest short film festival have just been released. This year, the festival is centered in the Capitol Hill area and sure to draw a crowd at a low admission price of $5. The films start at noon and you switch houses every hour until 6 p.m. Bring snacks, bring a date, bring a smile, and bring wheeled transportation to get you from house to house.

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Keywords: couch fest, promo

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