Last weekend I went to two birthday parties. Both sets of party-goers eventually found a ring of stones, filled it with wood, and set the wood on fire. A party is just not complete unless something is on fire, I guess.
Jansport, the backpack folks, are sponsoring a show this Saturday, August 28th, that will undoubtedly be quite a party, since they are planning a fire and free stuff is involved. This party will feature local indie/hillbilly sensation The Cave Singers and the 100 people that can correctly find the secret location where the bus will pick them up. Tickets are free, treats are free, and beer is free. I assume this leaves out the underage crowd.
Hints are located on The Bonfire Sessions Blog and don’t appear to be too hard to figure out, so get there early. (Supposedly, the location of the bus stop will be revealed tomorrow, via the blog, as well as Jansport’s Facebook and Twitter.) Then we’ll all head out on a bus to a secret location, sit by a fire, sing some songs and enjoy the last days of summer. Hopefully there will be marshmallows.
** Old SunBreak comments **
- josh
they’re “revealing” the location of the bus stop tomorrow, three days ahead of time? doesn’t that essentially ruin the whole point of “finding” the bus? I could see if they “revealed” it at 5:25 pm if there was still space on the bus.
- Audrey Hendrickson
One can only be so spontaneous, Josh.
Keywords: cave singers, jansport, promo, sunbreak