The Weekend Forecast Calls for Clouds and Instrumental Music
Published 02-11-2010 (originally on The SunBreak).

Seattle is the perfect place for instrumental rock music. We have talented musicians and long stretches of dreary gray skies to inspire epic songs. Luckily, the folks organizing the Cumulus Music Festival have already thought of this and set up three days of varied instrumental bands to showcase their experimental magic.

The bands playing this festival run through a wide range of (mostly) instrumental music. If you're in the mood for those gray skies mentioned earlier, the dark and haunting melodies of Diminished Men or The Ever Changing Sky might satisfy you. If you're a little angry that summer isn't all year round, the emotional stirrings of Bronze Fawn or AristeiA might suit you. Looking to stand around with your jaw hanging open for 30 minutes at some ridiculous musicianship that you can't quite comprehend? Bill Horist or Paintings for Animals have you covered.

I guarantee this festival will bring you something that you have not seen on a rock stage before. Whether it be poignant video presentations to go with the music, a strange combination of instruments or a fifteen minute crescendo, this three-night festival will be out of the ordinary.

To check out some of the bands before you attend, you can download the official preview.


The Cumulus Music Festival begins 8 p.m. tomorrow, February 11th, at Mars Bar. It continues at the Funhouse on the 12th and finishes up back at Mars Bar on Saturday. All shows are 21+ and $8.

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Keywords: cumulus festival, promo, sunbreak

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