Best of Couch Fest Screening Tomorrow at NWFF
Published 02-06-2010 (originally on The SunBreak).

couch fest films promo 1 from Couch Fest Films on Vimeo.

Back in November, I attended a wonderful short film festival called Couch Fest. Tomorrow, they will be holding a 90-minute screening of their best films at Northwest Film Forum.

The premise of Couch Fest is pretty simple: a few brave souls open up their homes to a slew of random strangers and show a series of short films. They vote for their favorites and sit next to each other in awkward silence or sharing timid conversations. Every hour, the strangers leave and a new batch strolls in.

For socially chilly Seattle, the festival is quite a departure from the stereotypical norm. Even this native Washingtonian found himself chatting with strangers about the short animation that just blew our minds or the awesome one-minute film of a lion roaring. For some reason, sharing a couch in a stranger's house (or garage) with a bunch of other strangers makes us a little less estranged.

To get a taste of how awesome this festival is (minus the couches), stop by the Northwest Film Forum at 1515 12th Ave, this Sunday at 3 p.m. Admission is free....

The lion roaring video and the rest of this promo is lost to time (if there was any more). The wayback machine doesn't have it and it is not in my notes.

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Keywords: couch fest, promo, nwff, sunbreak

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