Europe: Venezia (Venice)
Published 08-09-2009 on my old wordpress blog.

The shadow of Santa Lucia Train Station, Venezia, Italy, 9:25

Well, it’s hot. I’ve secured my bag at the train station, got my ticket to Roma tomorrow and put on my sunscreen. I’m ready to go check out Venice for 6 hours before checking in to my hostel and getting some rest. Maybe I can take a ferry to the beach island and go swimming in the Adriatic Sea as well.

Some park by St. Mark’s square, Venezia, 13:17

Well, it’s hot. I walked around until I got *really* lost. There were no tourists around, even. So I got out the map and navigated to some stuff and walked around until lunch time.

I’ve been trying to wait for Italian food for what seems like forever. I walked around until I found Crazy Pizza. I ordered a vegetarian calzone and picked up some random San Pellegrino I’d neve seen before. I then walked around to find a place to illegally eat my food. Because sitting and eating in a place not specifically designate for such an activity can be punished by a fine here. Seriously. But it does not appear to be well enforced. At any rate, the calzone was nothing too special and the San Pellegrino thing I didn’t like. Hm, too high of expectations. I’ll get ravioli later tonight and it better be more awesome than the Hi-Life Ravioli…

Some room, B&B Ai Musici, Venezia, 17:18

Apparently I fell asleep for a little while. I gotta drink more water. I swear this video on Italian MTV was on two hours ago. Either that or all songs have auto-tune in them now. Frankly, I’m surprised there’s music on at all.

This hostel room is pretty sweet. It has two beds, but they told me to only use just one. They also pointed out some cheap eats and a supermarket in the neighborhood. As soon as I feel ready for the oppressive heat, I’m going to go check out their suggestions.

Venezia is pretty. Everywhere you walk is like some picture somewhere. They could use more benches, but really there’s no room. The place is packed with people walking. There are no cars! I haven’t taken a water taxi or bus and probably won’t make it to the beach. I’ll just have to wait until someone wants me to take them here in the future.

Dear all past girlfriends: you should have stuck around for this (not including the ones I let go, except maybe artist or the one with the Volvo). I’m a little glad you didn’t, though, because that gondola ride down the canal would have been expensive. The glorious Italian dinner in the plaza on the grand canal would have set me back a pretty penny as well. Yet, you’re missing out on possibly the most romantic city in the world. Seriously, I think there are no single people here. We could have walked the streets for hours and poked our heads in ancient churches and eaten gelato in the shade of the tree in the middle of the square for some saint we don’t believe in. I could have bought you some expensive jewelry or some Ferrari flip-flops and you could have picked out an Italian tie for me to wear out for dinner with your mom. And, after our adventures in this beautiful city, we could have made this true story rate a PG-13. I’d probably have to take a shower first, though, because I smell pretty bad.

Okay, I’ve definitely seen this MTV video before and it sucks. Also, if I don’t keep moving I’ll start moving backwards.

Back in the room, 18:33

What’s the surest way to make it rain? Leave your umbrella in the hotel room. I got some groceries and walked around, but luckily I was close when the first sprinkles hit. A quick jaunt to the hotel and now I’m prepared, so it should stop. Also, the Italian top ten of 1985 is on and I’ve never heard this Fine Young Cannibals song.. No, I should seek out this cheap self-service restaurant. I hope they have ravioli.

Slightly fancier place next to the place my hostel suggested, Venezia, 19:23

I got Gnocchi with cheese sauce and a salad. I’m going to eat the whole fricking thing. On the way through the original ghetto (set up for the Jews in 15something, way before Hitler), a dude asked me if I wa Jewish. This is the second time in my life that I have, seemingly randomly, been asked if I was Jewish. Maybe it’s the burgeoning beard (that I will be gleefully shaving off this evening!). Maybe the cool cool glasses. I don’t know. I do know that I’m going to eat the hell out of some gnocchi when it gets here.

Back in the room (seriously, no number or anything. No sign for the hostel even.), Venezia, 20:03

Well, I ate some Gnocchi. It wasn’t spectacular. Then, I went outside and it was raining and crazy thunder and a healthy wind. Tried the umbrella until the ever changing wind broke it again. I was going to go walk around to the university section of town, but I guess that’s off until the rain stops. If, in fact, it does. It looks pretty wicked out there. It’s also still hot. I guess this is what I get for gloating at all the exes earlier. Now it’s just me, a shower, and MTV Italia for the evening (no videos left, though). Totally rated G.

Rome tomorrow!

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Keywords: europe, italy, travel, venice, water

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