Europe: Rally Finland, Day 4
Published 08-02-2009 on my old wordpress blog.

On the bus, leaving from Myhinpaa, Finland, 10:46

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! The thing about this metaphorical cancer I’ve got is that it starts pretty small with just one tiny reminder and then builds to full blown debilitating depression. Maybe if I ignore it, it will go away. I should have just stayed off the internet. Ignorance is bliss.

On the classic Myhinpaa stage, we got a pretty good spot. We got to see an angled crest and a good amount of cars go sideways over the jump. This rally experience has been quite amazing. We’ve been chatting with the New Zealand guys the most. That would be another fun rally to go to.

Our bus driver, Jari, has considered this his first stage. He’s caught up to some traffic, so his time is going to be a bit slow…

More this afternoon.

Room 110, Hotel Keurusselka, Finland, 15:43

The rally is officially over. We saw a bunch of cars on the last stage, over an amazing set of rolling crests and a big left. There were tons of people there rooting for their favorite Finns. A surprising number of people also cheered for the current world champion, who Tom and I are not that stoked on. He keeps on winning!! However, this rally may or may not have been different, I’ll let you look up the results yourself.

We’re headed out to the official after party tonight. Probably won’t get back until 1:00 AM. I am hoping it continues the trend of awesomeness. I could use something to keep me from thinking. I should start drinking. It’s too bad I have such strong morals and responsibility. Too bad, for many reasons,that I can’t let anyone down. At any rate, party time.

Bus from Jyvaskyla to Keuruu, 0:25

Well the party wasn’t really what I expected. It was basically some pretty normal nightlife at bars for us big city folk. Tom and I decided on “Mexican” food for dinner as an adventure. Finns can’t cook, I’ve decided. I’ll give them another 40 hours or so to convince me otherwise. I thought I wad getting on the boat tomorrow, but it turns out my brother and I will be staying in Helsinki another day.

Oh, I almost forgot about the Finnish guy we met just before the Mexican place. He came out of the mallish thing nearby and yelled at us, “Are you guys rally fans?” We said yes and he asked us where we were from. We responded truthfully, but he didn’t believe we were from the U.S. Once he was convinced, he informed us he’d been drinking for the last five days. Then, he invited us to his sauna at his house with him and some other dudes and some ladies that were nowhere to be seen. I like to think that if we didn’t have to catch this bus I’m currently riding on, that we would have accepted his offer. Maybe. But if we did, there would have been no possible way to catch our bus out to the hotel, and a taxi out ther is reputed to cost 70€. so we wimped out and ate horrible Mexican food and sat around at some bars while I drank soda and Tom tried a couple local beers. It was pretty interestif, but we didn’t see any rally stars.

As we’re heading back to the hotel, I am pleased to report that the four hours of partying have eased the pains of my cancerous tumor a bit. Maybe it was the active evaluation of ladies that passed by, maybe it was just making conversation with various folks, maybe it was just ignoring it and making it go away, maybe it was the always underlying irrational belief in maybes, maybe it never really goes away.

Tomorrow, another day in Helsinki and then another half day after that before I get on the boat. Then, eastern and southern Europe! Half way done!

If you like this page, you can buy me a coffee.

Keywords: europe, finland, rally, travel

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