All I ever wanted.
Published 06-29-2009 on my old wordpress blog.


(sort of)

I’m headed to San Diego to begin my crazy summer in earnest. I spent all day running errands and making some fashion upgrades. Now my fashion will be closer to 2002 style instead of 1995 style. Actually a mix of 2002 faux-revolutionaries and today’s indie rocker, I suppose. I needed to get a different style of shorts, but there was no time! Nonetheless, I’ll be looking pretty sweet with a new haircut and fancy new shirts and accessories and shoes. There is no end to the amount of awesomeness that could will happen.

Or, I’ll be stuck in a room all day voting on things and never get to meet any hot teacher ladies or faux-revolutionaries or anything. At least I’ll be close to the beach. But, I’m seizing any opportunity that comes my way! It’s vacation time and there is no reason to worry about what should happen, it’s time for me to take a break from consequences and go live carefree for 8 weeks. I don’t care, I’m going to do what I want!!

I’m also testing out my backpack for Europe to see how it will work on a plane. I’m skeptical about the integrity of the top closure, but we’ll see how it stands up. It weighs about 19 pounds with all the clothes I need for 7 days. I’ll probably bring a few more things and a separate shoulder bag that I bought today with camera stuff and what not in it to Europe, so this is a light test. Here’s everything I’m taking.


I’m ready. Probably.

If you like this page, you can buy me a coffee.

Keywords: carefree, san diego

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