I looked for a youtube video of my escapades this afternoon, but alas, none has been posted. Allow me to pique your curiosity. Me. 1000 high school kids. Pep assembly. Backstreet Boys. I Want It That Way. Screaming fans. Trying super hard not to laugh and keep up my trend. Shock and awe campaign.
Update: Found the video. Update: video is gone.
Everybody is out being social tonight, so I thought I’d stay in and work on my song a bit, since I’m able to sing when no one is here. This is how it turned out. I don’t think it will change from this except the little noodley bit at the end of “elephant.” I’m going to make a couple more like this and see if my concept is viable. In case you’re new, the concept is 2ish minute songs in weird configurations, usually just a line or short poem or something, lots of space and minimalism when possible, and DIY house shows, open mics, and wherever else will have me. Here’s the concept in practice:
Did You See That Elephant in the corner?
It must be so hard to be an elephant, with all that weight, with all of that weight, on your shoulders.
I’m going to go get some ice cream and begin my (public) internet vacation now.