Day 3: ha HA!
Published 01-04-2009 on my old wordpress blog.

It’s it okay for nearly 32 year-olds to giggle a little bit? I feel really good about today’s adventures. I am awesome.

Woke up this morning and went and checked out a Kung Fu class. (goal #1) It seemed pretty cool and the folks were friendly and answered all my questions. It’s about the same price as the karate class I checked out last year, but with far fewer kids and a much longer history. I think I’m into it. I’d like to scope out at least one other Kung Fu place, if possible, before I decide.

After observing Kung Fu, Jason and I met and played keyboard and guitar a bit. (goal #10) I mostly just screwed around, kind of ‘soloing’ over the top of Jason’s stuff. I really haven’t gotten the hang of how to write a song yet. But we talked about songwriting and music in general and stuff in general for a few hours. It was good times. We’ll probably go on a second band date. I have a thumb drive here with a bunch of music he gave me. I’ll be filling it with Treasure State, Joules, Bronze Fawn and some other bands and returning it later on.

Then, my date! (goal #6) It was really fun! We met at the finest falafel place in the U-district and had the falafel combo (mine with Dr. Pepper, hers with Orange Crush). We discussed various topics all the way through Wheel of Fortune and into Jeopardy! Since the evening was going swimmingly, we decided to take the option of continuing the adventure. Since it is cold and Joanna (that’s her name. nice, eh?) was recovering from a recent illness, we opted to keep the activities indoors. Down the street, that Button whatever movie was playing, so we made an attempt to see that. However, everyone in the entire city had shown up. Upon considering the options, Joanna informed me that she had a Wii. She then offered to let me play this fine device. Having never done so, I gladly accepted the invitation. We played various Wii games (bowling, tennis, baseball and a bunch of balance games for the Wii Fit) for a couple hours. It was a fantastic evening and there are plans for second adventures in the works. She’s a cutie and a very nice person and pretty fun to be around, so I’m pretty happy about that idea. Plus, I get a chance to be the new, awesome 2009 Don that I’ve been practicing to be. Let me tell you, I was pretty awesome (comparatively speaking). Good times!

Tomorrow I need to work on schoolwork and the rally car all day. That’s the plan. Good night!!

If you like this page, you can buy me a coffee.

Keywords: awesome, kung fu, music, smiles

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