Once, in third grade, we had a spelling bee in class. All the boys were on the left and the girls were on the right. The word was captain. One boy got it wrong, and then, somehow, all the other boys spelled the word the exact same wrong way. Including me. c-a-p-t-i-a-n. Oops.
It may seem like there’s been a dearth of adventures around the donproject parts these days, but it is a half-truth. I’ve been on adventures, just not reporting about them, I guess. They’re not really adventures that other people would consider adventurous, mostly just people like me. The picture below reminded me that I haven’t yet given up on the idea that I need to try new things. That I’m not a failure yet.
For example, I went to the Cha Cha lounge with my BFF the other week. I was pretty awesome, socially. Though my overall grade is still a C, my grade for that test was an A-.
I went to a union party last night. Grade: B.
Went for a walk the other week by Lake Washington. Not so much a social adventure (just my BFF there), but I did find a dinosaur eating a teletubby.
So, in short, things are progressing. This is a pretty good spot to be in.