something good.
Published 09-03-2008 on my old wordpress blog.

i know, you probably discovered this 8 years ago. but i was busy then.

it’s hard to pick just the right image to show you how awesome this is.

this one?
today is the last day - sam brown, exploding dog
'today is the last day'
credit: sam brown, exploding dog

or this one?
and when you wake up everything is going to be fine - sam brown, exploding dog
'and when you wake up everything is going to be fine'
credit: sam brown, exploding dog

the site is

here’s the back story: email this guy a title and he’ll draw the image. pretty amazing. i’ve added it to my daily blog reading. it’s like postsecret mixed with toothpastefordinner.

to make room for all this new reading, i’ve removed four other RSS feeds i was following.


If you like this page, you can buy me a coffee.

Keywords: internet, RSS

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